
A few weeks ago, I successfully corrected the spelling of my name on my Social Security card at the SS office. The new card came in the mail, and yesterday morning, I returned to the office again to apply for Medicare.

This time, they asked for proof of my having End Stage Renal Disease.  As it turns out, I need to have my doctor fill out a 2728 form, and come back to the office. That was the first time I learned that I needed this verification. There's nothing on the page about needing this form: Signing up for Medicare if you have ESRD. The lady who had helped me correct my name's spelling, whom I told that I was seeking to apply for Medicare because I have ESRD, the same lady who helped me again yesterday, hadn't mentioned this form.

I do have proof of ESRD on me all the time. In a more reactionary alternate reality, I maybe lifted my shirt to show my peritoneal dialysis catheter, the plastic tube running out of my torso, taped down, and ending in a transfer set that I disinfect and twist to allow medicinal fluids to fill my peritoneal lining and help me stay healthy. Is that proof enough? Bizarro Niem calmly would ask, eyes open wide, as the security guard escort him away. Is that proof enough?

I will get the form filled out. I will call to make an appointment next time, so I don't have to stand in line for an hour in the morning chill before the office opens so I can talk to someone that may tell me I need something else I don't know I need to get further along in this adventure.